満天星: You May be My Lucky Star
I look for signs, but of what?*1
The relation of the subject to the body, to phantasm, to the passage of time, to the ‘mysteries’ of life and death.*2
I Ching, horoscope, palmistry, omens, birthstones, flowers…
I turn to someone for something different
from pure science, belief, aesthetics, parts of each;
meanwhile, open myself to the possibility of being questioned,
in the hope of receiving revelation before getting lost,
managing to speak up in tongues before becoming silent,
revealing one more secret about myself before losing interest.
満天星(Man Tian Xing), literally meaning ‘stars all over the sky’,
is the Chinese name for the flower baby’s breath,
symbolizing the newborn, bonds, and the ability to stay focused on love.
Rest is on the horizon.
As a newborn, bond again with the universe and with myself,
like a star in the Milky Way,
like a lover who has retrieved their focus on love.
*1 Roland Barthes, A Lover’s Discourse: Fragments (New York: Hill and Wang, 2010), 214.
*2 Felix Guattari, The Three Ecologies (New Jersey: the Athlone Press, 2000), 35.
英語圏には「Baby’s Breath」と言い、
*1 ロラン・バルト『恋愛のディスクール・断章』
*2 フェリックス・ガタリ『三つのエコロジー』

Benny Nemerofsky Ramsay & Bastien Pourtout, My Favourite Vase, 2019. Photo by Hang Yishu.
Benny Nemerofsky Ramsay
音楽、芸術、歴史、クィア文化の素材との感情的な出会いを媒介し、深い聞き取りと共感的な視聴を促しています。彼の作品は国際的に展示されており、ウィーン美術史美術館、POLIN ポーランド ユダヤ人歴史博物館(ワルシャワ)、ティエルスカ美術館(ストックホルム)、カナダ国立美術館(オタワ)のパーマネントコレクションになっています。 彼は最近エジンバラ芸術大学で博士号を取得しました。
Montreal-born artist, diarist and researcher based in Edinburgh.
His artistic work mediates emotional encounters with musical, art historical and queer cultural material, encouraging deep listening and empathic viewing. His work has been exhibited internationally, and is part of the permanent collections of the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna, the Polin Museum for the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw, Thielska Galleriet Stockholm and the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa. He recently received his PhD degree at the Edinburgh College of Art.

Mu Xi, 万物一馬 1 &2, 2013. Photo by Yuu Takagi.

Mu Xi, Grass & Tree Festival No.1, 2010. Photo by Yuu Takagi.

Mu Xi, Grass & Tree Festival No.3, 2010. Photo by Yuu Takagi.

Mu Xi, Dream about a Fish, 2010. Photo by Yuu Takagi.
木西 (Mu Xi)
油絵、ドローイング、インスタレーション、ビデオ、書道などのさまざまなメディアを探りながら、若者の混乱、欲望、愛情などの普通の人々の親密な経験に焦点を当てています。 彼の作品は、Östasiatiska Museet(ストックホルム)、Världskulturmuseet(ヨーテボリ)、熱帯博物館(アムステルダム)、オスロ大学の歴史博物館(オスロ)の巡回展「密愛(Secret Love)」で展示されました。
Born in 1983, based in Shanghai. Artist, designer.
His artistic work mediates emotional encounters with musical, art historical and queer cultural material, encouraging deep listening and empathic viewing. His work has been exhibited internationally, and is part of the permanent collections of the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna, the Polin Museum for the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw, Thielska Galleriet Stockholm and the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa. He recently received his PhD degree at the Edinburgh College of Art.

Zhang Yangyu, Lovers’ Discourse, 2019.